Dimensions and Capabilities
Gross Wgt (Tonnes) Payload (Tonnes) Body Type Carrying Dimensions (Metres) Height Length (Metres)
Covered Trucks L x W x H
7.5 2.3 T Curtain sides with tail lift 5.90 x 2.4 x 2.2 3.5m 9
Width of taillift 2.36 x 1.2m deep
12 5.5 T Curtain sides with tail lift 6.7x 2.4x 2.45m (2.4 through rear) 3.75m 10 m
18 9.5 T Curtain sides with tail lift 7.43 x 2.5 x 2.53 4.03m 10m
Width of taillift 2.36 x 1.52m deep
18 9.5 T Curtain sides with tail lift 7.5 x 2.5 x 2.44 3.95m 10.2m
Width of taillift 2.36 x 1.5m deep
26 15.5 T Curtain sides /Sliding Roof 8.45 x 2.50 x 2.60 4.1m 12 m
Width of taillift 2.36 x 1.52m deep
44 (Artic) 28 T Curtain sides + Flats 13.3 x 2.50 x 2.60 Moffet Trailer 4.2m 16.5m
Payload 24t with Moffet 13.3 x 2.50 x 2.45 S/R Trailer
External Dimensions Internal Dimensions
Length13.60 metres 13.50 metres
Width2.55 metres 2.48 metres
Height4.00 metres 3.00 metres
Capacity 33 Euro Pallet \ 26 UK Standard Pallet
100 cubic metres
The Mega Euroliner is a curtain-sided trailer with a capacity of 100 cubic metres. Internally the trailer has a ceiling height of 3 metres.
Some trailers of this type feature a lifting roof, all have side and rear door access for easy and quick loading and unloading.
External Dimensions Internal Dimensions
Length13.64 metres 13.50 metres
Width2.55 metres 2.48 metres
Height4.00 metres 2.60 metres
Capacity33 Euro Pallet \ 26 UK Standard Pallet
87 cubic metres
The Euroliner is a curtain sided trailer that features a solid roof with the benefit of quick and easy loading and unloading. Access is from the rear doors and from the side. The side posts can be moved side to side facilitating loading. Some of these trailer types also feature a sliding roof.
Please use the below to check your invoice before booking J(
Invoice date/date of shipment
Exporter address
Exporter EORI number
Importer address
Importer EORI number
No of items and type of packaging (including details of cartons, pallets, etc as applicable
Description of the product (including plain language if description is a technical name)
Commodity code(s) (these must be 10 digit codes)
Value and currency of each item in addition to an invoice total
Gross weight per commodity code
Net weight per commodity code
Gross weight of the shipment
Net weight of the shipment
Country of origin of the goods
Incoterms for the shipment
CPC (Customs procedure code), if the shipment is subject to any special custom regime
Statement below (if the goods are of EU origin)
REX number (if the goods are of EU origin and over 6000 euros)
If more than one commodity code then we will need a summary for each code, including net weight, gross weight, quantity, COO and invoice value.
If you are hoping to pay no duty on goods coming in, the below statement will need to be stated on the invoice, without duty may apply.
The Exporter of the products covered by this document (Exporter EORI number …) declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of (UK / EU / EU 27 country name) preferential Origin.
List of Airports
List of Sea Ports
Measurement Converter
All product pictures are provide as a guide only and should not be taken as an accurate representation of a products. All information provided on this site is solely for information only. Nothing constitutes an offer of sale.
Wrotham, Kent, UK
Company Reg Number UK : 12910688
EORI : GB378412477000
DUNS: 226303429
VAT: GB378412477